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  • 1st June - Summit 1 - 5G in the UK - The Realities of Implementing 5G

  • 1st June - Summit 2 - 5G Investment & Legal Support

  • 2nd June - Summit 3 - 5G Infrastructure Deployment Practicalities

  • 2nd June - Summit 4 - 5G Future Thinking

  • Format - 5 minute introduction (no slides)

  • Format - 5 minute introduction (no slides)

  • Format - 5 minute introduction (slides)

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - 5G as an enabler of high quality, immersive experiences
    - Creative opportunities unlocked through 5G
    - Green Planet 5G AR

  • Format - 15 minute presentations followed by Q&A (slides)

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - Ferrovial’s view of 5G as business enhancer
    - Case study 1 - Silvertown Tunnel
    - Case study 2 - Enhancing airport operations
    - Case study 3 - Smart roads

  • Format - 5 speakers, 40 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Private/enterprise networks
    - Private 5G networks - will this be driving a large part of 5G?
    - Driving enhanced productivity through smart automation
    - Manufacturing - supply chain productivity i.e. aerospace
    - MTC - Manufacturing Technology Centre - encouraging SMEs, private networks

  • Format - 20 minute one to one 'fireside chat' interview (no slides)
    - Industrial roll out
    - Update on testbeds and trials programme
    - European leading progress made in the UK

  • Format - 4 speakers, 40 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - 5G, advanced communications and smart devices driving operational efficiency
    - Minimise supply chain risks with better tracking
    - Autonomous trucks
    - Improved port operations
    - Using new technology to support a sporting and cultural venue, trialling new hospitality logistics

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)

  • Format - 5 minute introduction (no slides)

  • Format - 4 speakers, 50 minutes, ‘fireside chat’, 3 minute opening remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - What are the existing use cases with a clear business case i.e. coverage?
    - Driving economic value
    - How does each operator see 5G evolving? Business/industrial clusters or urban/consumer led
    - Ensuring the right economic balance of risk and reward
    - Supporting 5G rollout
    - Harnessing government procurement to accelerate 5G applications and service evolution
    - 5G partner ecosystem - the role of operators
    - Taking an operationalisation & scale ecosystem driven approach
    - Investing in the future of infrastructure
    - Investing in street infrastructure for 5G

  • Format - 3 speakers, 40 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Alternative funding structures for private networks, enterprise and other 5G deployments (edge DCs, 5G urban and rural RAN)
    - Current structures - where they work, benefits and limitations, financial implications and considerations (balance sheet for both supplier and customer), commercial & legal considerations
    - Alternative structures - On-balance sheet funding models vs. off-balance sheet funding models and which scenarios suit them for deployment
    - The legal implications of 5G business models

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - Scenarios in which development capital may work to scale and expedite 5G - benefits and considerations of each scenario
    - What do funders look for when making equity investment decisions
    - Commercial considerations for organisations planning to seek development capital - hints and tips on preparation, approach and tactics

  • Format - 3 speakers, 30 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion

  • Format - 5 minute introduction (no slides)
    - Different stages and versions

  • Format - 4 speakers, 45 minutes, ‘fireside chat’, 3 minute opening remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Deployment specifics
    - Challenges
    - Commercialisation
    - Problem solving ideas around the challenges faced
    - Lessons learned from deployments
    - What are the current barriers?
    - Barrier busting

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - Technology supporting cities to be as attractive as possible to live and work in
    - New York, Toronto, Hong Kong case studies
    - Enriching communities and driving forward business

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - Test network in test factory before full factory
    - Where deploying kit?
    - Are industrial parks a realistic target now? Do we need to wait for later versions i.e. slicing, low latency

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - UK centre of excellence
    - Showcasing with 4G, then 5G
    - Facility to look at how to commercialise the offer
    Diversifying the Telecoms Supply Chain

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - Supporting Greater Manchester’s industrial strategy
    - 5G enabled immersive technology lab at MediaCityUK
    - Technology supporting the city-region to be as attractive as possible to live and work in
    - Use cases and business cases making a difference to citizens

  • Format - 6 speakers, 35 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Driving interoperability and integration of ORAN
    - SmartRAN Open Network Interoperability Centre (SONIC)
    - Telecom Infra Project - OpenRAN
    - More work to do on Open RAN
    - What other options are there alongside ORAN?
    - Small cells
    Urban high capacity environment Security
    Diversifying the Telecoms Supply Chain

  • Format - 4 speakers, 30 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Connectivity & advanced communications umbrella - WiFi, Indoor 5G, OpenRAN
    - The jigsaw of technology
    - Where will OpenRAN be trialled?
    - Where are we with JOTS Neutral Host in-building? Is that the likely winning approach for multi-operator indoors?
    - The security layer
    - IoT labs/trials in the UK
    Diversifying the Telecoms Supply Chain

  • Format - 5 minute introduction (no slides)

  • Format - 15 minute presentation followed by Q&A (slides)
    - Pioneering advanced technology
    - Cloud native
    - Automation
    - Use cases

  • Format - 4 speakers, 40 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Health examples - rural, urban, care homes, peoples homes
    - How can you encourage engagement in digital transformation initiatives?
    - Transforming the back end systems of the NHS
    - The rise and adoption of digital health services
    - How will digital technologies make for better outcomes, a better path to health, or a better way to care?
    - Scenarios where 5G technology could provide solutions for the healthcare sector
    - Why is 5G different from its predecessors?
    - The importance of personalised healthcare, digital inequality and a patient centric approach

  • Format - 3 speakers, 30 minutes, 5 minutes to explain the essence of the project (1 or 2 slides/video), followed by group discussion
    - What are each project looking for from the audience?
    - How will they be sustainable post the testbeds and trials programme?
    - Enhancing the Eden Project with AR, VR and Mixed Realities
    - 5G Powered Sporting Events
    - 5G Festival

  • Format - 30 minutes, panel discussion, 2 minute introductory remarks each (no slides), followed by group discussion
    - Insights from EU Horizon’s 5G VINNI program and TM Forum’s Digital Business Marketplace catalyst
    - Are 5G new business models different from traditional partnering business models?
    - Is it really possible technically to deliver a fully plug and play frictionless trading secure ecosystem, where each organization can really be their own marketplace and play at any partner role: supplier, orchestrator or customer facing business?
    - Are there business and technical lessons to be taken from the Digital Native Platform players like AWS?
    - What can be done to ensure that ecosystem governance is maintained to protect smaller innovative companies from being crushed by telcos or larger IT companies?
    - Are there additional technical and business issues to be addressed in delivering new partnering business models for cross-industry scenarios simultaneously?
    - With the acceleration of cyber issues, how safely can these new business ecosystems be made to scale?

  • Format - 3 speakers, 30 minutes, ‘fireside chat’, group discussion
    - What will the research community be delivering over the next few years?
    - Deployment today vs. evolution
    - Emerging technologies
    - Operationalising the whole stack
    - AI, IoT, Edge, Quantum computing, green networks
    - 5G capabilities vs. what 6G could bring
    - 6GIC - Vodafone, BT, Telefonica, BBC